

Please, before you leave this website too soon, realize that it is, while dealing in first instance with plant growth, actually an example of the general story about not getting the (information out of the) data right and missing some fundamental questions in science. To emphasize this, it even leads to putting forward the provocative, but inevitably to answer at some point, question: Does the Evolution Theory  stay an accidental output of the Universal Theory or should we consider the possibility of it to be the essential input?

Of course, you can stay also down on earth and look only at the plant growth analysis.

Experiments, Analysis and Synthesis

Do you know how single plants grow fundamentally? Here 6 assertions, supported by results of experiments, claim new insights into this theme, see plant growth.

The next question is how fundamentally these new insights are. To challenge you not to be too easy over it , 6 statements evolve in a think experiment, see plant as a system with a fundamental direction in time. It has the aim to make it more interesting even for a non plant specialist and even for a non biologist. And last but not least, it will reveal the reason for the name Itisatobe.

After the publication we wanted more assurance, especially for the 6 assertions for plant growth, see Plant Growth Follow Up Experiments . We can reveal that they confirm them up to now (last new experiment is published on the 25th of August 2019.

And as a big surprise, the think experiment starts influencing the plant simulation experiments, see The plant as a system with a fundamental direction in time follow up experiments.