The Plant as a system with a fundamental direction in time follow up experiments

InĀ  a think experiment (link1) we put forward the idea of generalizing the life force plant growth and the physical force gravity just because they show a polynomial of the second order in the direction of time. Four falsifications did not succeed right away with the knowledge available.

It was clear that at least we should look for other falsifications. This page will summarize them and give the results (double click on the summarizing statements, i.e. the titles of the underlaying paper to examen the details).

A fifth falsification of generalizing life forces and physical forces, the bending of the space by gravity, fails also (after two corrections).

On a second glance, The result of the fifth falsification, bended leaves, succeeds as simulated second order plants are not winning anymore.

But, as a surprise, the success vanishes:

A sixth possible falsification, the idea of relating gravity to information, does a contrary job: It makes reappear second order polynomial growth in simulations