The first falsification of the generalization of gravity and plant growth, the correspondence principle, is disputed by the possibility that both the physical and life force can be derived from evolution, the struggle of to be and (the other) not to be

In an earlier paper (link1) gravity and plant growth are generalized just because they show a polynomial of the second order in the direction of time. This generalization is accepted as a work hypothesis, because we will try to find falsifications as soon as possible (see link2). The first falsification to test is  the requirement that a generalization can generate the old theories in their own domain with a sound reasoning. It is called the correspondence principle.

Force is the theme in both the theory of Darwin and of Newton: the growth, reproduction, and competitive forces in the world of plants and gravity, impulse, etc. forces in the physical world. It is therefore logical to let one underlying force  unify them. Darwin would demand around the two-hundred birthday of his Evolution Theory that one should choose for the force that selects the fittest, i.e. the struggle for survival. His followers will take the opportunity to challenge the physicists who claim the Unified Theory, while not explaining the great force creating life.

The Real Unified Theory should comprise both the physical and biological world (and others). Following Darwin, one should postpone that the great force generator in the biological world  “The Struggle for Survival” will rule also the physical world. Thus: There will be a “Struggle to be” for both worlds. It selects in both worlds a winner who has the same balance between attracting or intercepting and repelling or competitive energy.

The equation for the balance in the plant was formulated as follows:

dyP – dyNP =  constant                                                                      (1)

if we would express it in in words in a generalized form, it would be:

The difference between the force “to be more” and the force “let the other not to be more” is exactly one “to be”. It is a to be.

We have seen in (link1) that it generates for Darwin’s plants a polynomial of the second order and that this is the winning strategy in simple two-dimensional simulations.

Regarding the gravity force we should show that this formula is also applicable for the objects who grow by attracting mass (force to be), while they repell at the same time mass (the force the other not to be), preventing invasion of its already occupied area and, in the end, a collapse. It seems not impossible.

So, the first falsification, via the correspondence principle, is not proven yet.

While looking for a proof, it is recommended to look for other falsifications.  Notice, it is also interesting to find one, as it would give evidence that the physical and biological world differ in the forces governing them. There would be no “struggle to be” in the physical world.

But, on the other hand, see also the beauty of the hypothesis. It translates the physical theories in a more existential one: It still remains a question why there is a to be and a not to be, but, at least, it expresses the world in a force to be and a force (the other) not to be.