Plant as a system with a fundamental direction in time


This is a think experiment. So, it doesn’t claim any scientific truth. It is challenging, out-of-the-box, hopefully entertaining, for some people provocative, but it  is only aiming to question how fundamental for nature is  the new story about plant growth.

The following statements tell the story of the think experiment.

1. Generalization everywhere anytime is justified in natural sciences, if we try immediately to find falsifications.

2. Interesting is the generalization of plant growth as a life force and gravity as a physical force, using the indication that both show a second order polynomial in the direction of time.

3. The first falsification of the generalization of gravity and plant growth, the correspondence principle, is disputed by the possibility that both the physical and life force can be derived from evolution, the struggle of to be and (the other) not to be

4. The second falsification of the generalization of the physical force gravity and the life force plant growth, by the Schrödinger Wave effect and Probability in the physical world, doesn’t succeed right away, as a population of plants will also expand like a wave.

5. The third falsification of the generalization of gravity and plant growth, the Theory of Relativity, does not succeed either right away, because of the phenomenon described by Kleiber

6. The fourth falsification of the generalization of gravity and plant growth, the Quantum Theory, with its strange phenomena, is the candidate par excellence to succeed, but it delivers the solution in the physical world for the problem of information transfer, so essential for live.